Trakya University Tekirdağ Agricultural Faculty /Horticulture

Title of Thesis: Determining the best sprouting conditions for germinated radish (Raphanus

sativus) seeds consumed as vegetables.


Trakya University
:Tekirdağ Agricultural Faculty Plant Breeding and Genetics

Title of Thesis: Inheritance analyses regarding oil quality and grain yield traits in half diallel maize populations


2010- current Phd Faculty( Assist. Prof. Dr.) Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University- Turkey

2013-2014 Post – Doctorate ( Visiting Research) Michigan State University – USA

Researches and projects in Michigan State University

1; Genetic Transformation of Soybean for Development of SCN, SDS, Drought and Liberty Herbicide Resistance Genetic Transformation of Corn for Development of Drought and Liberty Herbicide Resistance

2: Plant cell and tissue culture with emphasis on genetic engineering for drought tolerance and for production of lipid in corn leaves. 3: Wheat genetic engineering for resistance Fusarium Head Blight (FHB)


Michigan State University International Molecular Plant Breeding Short Course August 25-29 2013

IIER Conferences First Excellence Paper October-2017

Areas of Expertise

1 Agronomy
2 Seed technology
3 Maize improvement

4 Plant breeding

5 Molecular genetics and biotechnology

6 Plant tissue culture

7 Agricultural Engineering

8 Plant Sciences

Current Research Interest

Multidisciplinary, food science technology, biomass energy, energy plants

International Books

Book Name : Maize (An Indispensable Plant) Publisher : LambertAcademicPublishing 2012

Orhun G.E., "Biomass", in: INNOVATIVE APPROACHES IN AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND AQUACULTURE SCIENCES, BozdoĞan N. Y., Donmez E., Coskun U., Eds., Gece Akademi, Ankara, pp.151-158, 2018


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