Aleksandra Figurek is associate professor at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Banja Luka (subjects: Agricultural Economics, Business analysis of agricultural holdings, Organization in agriculture, Agro-management, Costs and calculations in agriculture, Regional Development; Human Resources Management). She is leader of WG 9 in SOURDOMICS.



About the group - WG9. Economic feasibility, environmental sustainability, and business case development and team qualification


Jorge Miranda (InCubus, Portugal) - MMXX

Jorge Miranda (InCubus, Portugal) - MMXX

Alda Brás (Portugal) - MMIII

Objectives and impacts

  • Development of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Product (PEF) and Organization (OEF) Environmental Footprint studies in sustainable practices for the agriculture, food products and processes.

  • Promotion of environment, social and economic sustainable development.

  • Development of Business cases and Economic Feasibility studies (EFS): Economic viability and environment sustainability of novel prototypes of sourdough biotechnology-based products and processes.

  • Training in business qualification: Team and stakeholder qualification; Entrepreneur activities; Enterprises qualification; Promotion and sales.

  • Development and training in new business models in local/regional food systems for farmers and companies, based on multi-actor approach.


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